

What happens when one is told to have a cyst in the mandible or maxilla?

The first thing is that the person gets scared! The patient dislikes to be told he or she has a cyst, but usually, the cysts do not have much importance. The most common are the radicular cysts, which are those that originate from the root of the tooth and this happens because there is a cavity that has invaded the pulp of the tooth and the infection has spread to the apex of the root and then to the bone, thus causing an inflammation in the bone that will become a cyst.

Sometimes the teeth may be included in the bone, including the follicle surrounding the tooth crown that serves for the formation thereof and can also degenerate into a cyst. This cyst is called Follicular cyst.

See in the image a wisdom tooth included in the bone with a cyst originating from the crown of the tooth, it is a follicular cyst.

These two types of cysts are the most common and its treatment is, in most cases, surgical. Once treated, they do not usually come out.

But there are many other kinds of cysts, of which we will not talk because we would extend a lot.

Only to mention two cysts that are special because they behave with great tendency to recur, to come out. They are keratocysts and ameloblastoma. These two cysts, although being benign, have to be taken care of and watch them closely, because once operated they can come back. The ameloblastoma is behaving more aggressively depending on its type and sometimes the cyst and the part close to the bone must be removed.

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